Submit Your Scenario

Submit Your Scenario
- We'll give you full credit for the scenario on the card.
- We'll publish your contact information (your choice of an email or website, Facebook, Twitter etc.) on the card IF you allow it. This is a great way to increase your fan base if you are in the preparedness business, if you are not, we understand that you may not want the attention.
- It is our goal to get these decks in the hands of millions of preppers. You'll have a chance to be seen by all of them so give your scenario the best shot you can.
- You'll have the chance to help awaken other to the importance of emergency preparedness.
- You'll be able to influence the preparedness of people around the world, sharing with them part of your survival philosophy and giving them a chance to see the world from your perspective.
- I understand that due to volume of scenarios submitted, Survivalogics will not be able to contact me unless my scenario is selected for publishing.
- I submit this scenario knowing that Survivalogics may or may not select it to be published.
- This scenario is an original idea of the person submitting it and it has not been copied or stolen from anyone or anywhere.
- I understand that only the people who have their scenarios selected by Survivalogics for publishing will be compensated for submitting a scenario. This said compensation will not be monetary.
- I understand that Survivalogics offers no monetary incentive or rights to any of their publications, past, present or future just because I submitted a scenario to them.
- I understand that Survivalogics will hold all rights to my question once it has been submitted and they may do with it as they please.
- I understand that when and if my scenario is selected, Survivalogics will be contacting me to sign a full waiver regarding my scenario.
- I understand that Survivalogics is offering to put my contact information on the bottom of the card which displays my scenario but I’ll be able to choose if this will take place or not.
- I understand that due to the volume of the questions submitted, a similar scenario as mine may be chosen, Survivalogics agrees to give credit to the person they think framed the scenario in a more detailed manner.
- Due to the volume of scenarios submitted, I know that Survivalogics will only chose the ones they think fit the theme of the deck best.